William Layton Nelson was born on March 3 1945, in a little village in St James Jamaica, called Providence.
As a lad in Jamaica, I bounced back and forth between three different schools inconsistently over a number of years. At the age of thirteen I became a tailoring apprentice with my father. Between the age of 15 and 16, I began writing poems and composing lyrics.
From the early 70s until 78, I performed with the group «The Pleiades.» We made an album, «Thunder and Lightning» with some of the lyrics that I wrote.
With delight I now work full time with the musical gift the Lord has given to me. If by doing so I am able to make one person happy, then I know for sure that I am not working in vain. I will follow my dreams, and I know that the Lord will make a way for me somehow.
«The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?» Psalm 27: 1. Even though it is very challenging at time, nevertheless I strive to please Him and my fellowmen; there is an abundance of joy in doing so.
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Email : ipgmcares@gmail.com